My name is Kathleen (though most call me Kat), I'm currently 28 (will be 29 soon at the end of April) though I still feel like I'm 19 (and look like I'm 23, apparently, not that I'm complaining). I currently live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, though I grew up on a multitude of Canadian Army bases (including one in Lahr, Germany, from '85-'89, which bred an affinity for all things German in me, except for Sauerkraut). Before Toronto I lived in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, for about nine years. It took me a few years to realize that, in the grand scheme of things, I am, by definition, a Scotian. I love Toronto, and I feel at home here, but I am apparently not bitchy/stuck up enough to be "from" Toronto. Which is cool. Nova Scotians are an awesome bunch (except for certain areas in Cape Breton, but they don't call themselves Scotians anyway, so that's alright).
I am currently in a relationship with a wonderful guy who has enabled me to fully embrace aspects of myself and my personality that I hid before (nothing that will land me in jail, don't worry;). I'm not the type of person who believes in soul mates or destiny. If I were to go through life single, it really wouldn't be a problem, because I love myself more than I will ever love anyone else. I don't know if I'll ever get married, and it's not something I worry about. Luckily, my guy feels the same way. We've discussed marriage before, and we've discussed families, and neither of us feel any sort of pressure whatsoever (even though it seems like everyone else our age is getting married and having kids). I could definitely see myself marrying him, but there's no necessity for it. We both regard marriage as nothing more than paperwork, anyway. I was never the girl who dreamed about her wedding, after all. In fact the only wedding I ever want to have would take place in the middle of the German Black Forest in the winter time. I don't think I'll ever have the money to pull that off, hence no worries about it. But the guy and me, we're the type who would feel perfectly comfortable in just going down to the justice of the peace's office and signing paperwork, then getting our families and friends together for a barbeque on the beach to "celebrate" our official joining. Nothing fancy. I don't do fancy. Not unless someone rich is paying for it. ;)

There are many ways I could define myself - but none of them are consistent enough for my liking. I do a lot of writing, and even have a few novels planned - but I've yet to finish any of them. My attention span for muses flits and flickers like a candle, and just when I get right into the middle of something, another thought comes along and distracts me. One day I'll finish one of those novels and have it published. I just don't know when "that day" will be.
I love to dance. My only regret in life (honestly) is that I never realized earlier on how much I loved dancing. I truly do believe that had I realized that earlier on, I could have gone on to be a professional dancer. It's painful sometimes to think about it, because I love to dance, but it's something I've come to accept. But now I don't even get out to dance as much as I'd like. I've been saying for years that I need to rectify this. Hopefully this year I will actually achieve this.
I am a huge fan of soccer (or football, if you're anywhere other than North America). A few years ago I was just getting out of a five year relationship (which had resulted in an engagement, yikes; though he was a wonderful guy I must admit, just not right for me) and found myself in a new city, with no friends of my own. That was 2007, though, and that is when Toronto FC got their start in the MLS. I had already secured myself a season ticket back in September of '06, though, and I was looking forward to the start of the season.

(Columbus, Ohio, April 2008; 2000+ Toronto FC fans invaded that town; me, Freek, Austin, Lisa, and Coop)
No matter how poorly they perform, or how vastly they underachieve, I will always love and cherish Toronto FC for the sole reason that it gave me an instant "life". Over the course of a summer I quickly developed my own set of friends, through the U Sector (one of a few different supporters groups for the club). I even met Kris through the group! It was something that came along at the right time for me. It offered me an easy chance for acquaintances that I really didn't have to work for (being a good looking female). We saw each other almost every week, and even bonded on a few trips down south to support our team. It truly has been an integral part of my life, and even though my level of support has fluctuated over the past few years, I always find myself falling back in love with the team throughout the year.
That's really all I feel like saying at the moment. Maybe I'll indulge more later, or maybe I won't. That remains to be seen!
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