Sunday, April 4, 2010

The best birthday present I ever ruined.

So since some time last spring I have been coveting this fabulous oil painting at TEG. But that was when I had just lost my job, so I couldn't really afford to spend $125 on a painting. It dropped to $75 over the summer, but still on my limited budget I could not afford it.

Though it's fantastic and unique and kind of creepy, to my shock and awe no one bought it. Seriously, I don't quite know what's wrong with people, that no one snatched this picture up. For months it sat there, looking for a home. But no one took it. I take that as a sign that this guy was waiting for me. Maybe other people looked at it, but he made angry faces and chased them away, saving himself for me. That's how I like to think of it, at least.

So with my second paycheque (he was supposed to be bought with the first, but that got spent on other things) I went down to TEG and finally took him home with me. Turns out, though, that Kris had actually planned to buy it for my birthday (which is at the end of the month). He was going to buy it and then take me to the store and watch as I cried over the fact that someone had stolen my painting from me. But unfortunately I beat him to it!

That's a shame, because it would have been the best birthday present ever. Now the poor boy has to figure something else out. ;)

It kind of makes me think of two people standing together, watching the end of the world. It has a very apocalyptic feel to it. The world has taken on a putrid yellow tinge, and the peach sun is setting for the last time, and the trees have all withered and lost their leaves. The couple knows this is the end, and they watch on in fascination. At least the world is going out with style.

Enough melodrama! Let's move on to happier topics, like birds! Friday was a gorgeous day, and it being a holiday and all, the only thing I really wanted to do was take Kris out for lunch somewhere on a patio. The weather was amazing (it was more summer than spring) and after some shopping we settled down to eat at my favourite Japanese restaurant, Tokyo Sushi. After a fantastic meal (I had the yummiest teriyaki beef sushi roll in the world) we walked a few steps to TEG and as soon as I walked in the door what greeted me but these boys!

For $25 for the pair of them, how could I say no? Kris doesn't like them - finds them creepy. We argued amicably about them and the lady working the register laughed at us, especially when Kris said "Fine, you get them, but they're staying on your side!" and I replied "He doesn't yet realize that every side is my side!"Good times. :)

They need names, but I haven't decided on any yet. And I wish I could tae better pictures, but my camera was having a bad day. I totally need a new one. :(

Now earlier in the day that Friday I took advantage of an 11am meeting Kris had with Alfons, a friend/mentor of his who publishes Inside Soccer magazine, and I drove myself down the road from his meeting spot to Pacific Mall, one of the few shopping centres open on Good Friday. The place doesn't open until 11, so it was good to get there early before the mad crowds arrived.

I love Chinese fashion. They have the funkiest clothes there! I bought myself two new shirts ($25 each, a bit steep for my liking, but they're worth it), a cute cardigan, and some hair accessories (headbands and hair clips). Here are some pictures!

I love this shade of blue! And the girl and her pet are felt outlines, and look, it sparkles! It's a lovely piece, I think.

My new favourite tank top! It even has pockets! I love this shade of yellow, as I've mentioned before with a cardigan. It really suits my skin tone, I think. I definitely need more Col. Mustard yellow. :)

And at $10, who could say no to a cute little pink lace-trimmed zip-up sweater? It's adorable! I am trying to expand my colour palette and do have a few pink cardigans already, but the lace on this one just made me unable to pass it up.

And now for good measure, have a few shots of the bird!

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