Just like the title says - I'm here, I'm not here, I come back, I leave again.
The only thing about this blog that ever remains the same is inconsistency in my posting. But I've come to accept that about myself. My head is always full of things, both pertaining to me and also to others (granted those "others" are really just extensions of me through my muses) and there's no point in forcing something that doesn't feel right at the time.
Hence I took a big long break. Mostly it had to do with work, and having so little time for so many other things. But that's life.
Some things have happened since my last time here - I have a new job (my first job from which I manage to glean any sort of satisfaction), I visited a friend in Germany and saw a few Bayern Munich games live, hiked in the Austrian Alps, fell in love with Prague, expanded my Lolita wardrobe, secured a beta account on Pottermore, and I've taken in a few concerts (VNV Nation, OMD, Straftanz, The Birthday Massacre, The English Beat, Dimmu Borgir, Slayer, and Nas).
There are a lot of things I want to talk about, but for now I'll just post a few pictures.

First thing first is what I wore to work today (minus the petticoat, because I wasn't feeling that much poof for work). I was going for a shiro base, with coloured accessories! I count my cardigan as an accessory in this sense...
Skirt - Metamorphose ($50)
Top - Unknown ($2.50)
Cardigan - Unkown ($4.50)
Belt, blue tights, socks - Ardene
Golden apple necklace - H&M
Petticoat - vintage ($50)
Next up is a little something I threw together one night when I was bored, but I'm completely in love with the look and can't wait until it's warm enough to wear it out.

I love this dress, but the torso is super long on it, so I have to roll it in on itself in order for it to not pass my knees (which is the kiss of death for any dress or skirt for me).
Dress - Marciano ($7)
Crochet top - unknown ($2.50)
Belt, bow - Ardene
I also rather love how my pony tail is curling in the way it was in this picture - no idea how that happened, sadly. Wish I knew how to get it looking like that on purpose!
And finally, my favourite (so far) Lolita purchase!

I'm rather in love with fairy tale prints, and I now own two of Baby, The Stars Shine Bright's pieces (this one and the Red Riding Hood jsk in ivory). This one is the Wizard of Oz dress, which I suppose is not a story many would consider to be a fairy tale, but I'll still gladly stick it in that category of prints.
Dress - Baby, The Stars Shine Bright ($150)
Top - H&M ($2.50)
Belt, headband, tights - Ardene
Boots - Eject ($180 - got them 70% off, so this was quite a steal!)
I actually wore this to work one day. I was the only one at the office (everyone else was prepping for a trade show) and I'd felt like dressing up a little. It was pretty awesome, spending the day in my favourite dress. I need to do that more often.