So one thing I want to do on here is post about things I'm currently obsessing over. For the past week I've been stuck on watching/listening to Madonna's Confessions tour. I sadly never got to see the show when it was on tour (in fact I ever only got into it after it was over, when it showed one time on TV). As much as I love the music though, I have to say that what I really love about this show was the choreography and the dancers.

The opening number kind of kills me every time I watch it, with the S&M-meets-horse-fetish vibe, haha. The dancer's "horse trot" is probably one of my favourite dance moves from the show. I absolutely love watching them do it, and I kind of wish there was more footage of it.
Everyone's costumes for this number are also some of my favourite. It wasn't until just yesterday that I noticed that Jean Paul Gauthier designed everything - I should have realized that sooner. What genius outfits!

Another favourite of mine is "Jump", mostly for the lovely parkour boys! And the fact that Daniel Campos joins them (he who happens to be my favourite dancer on the tour!). My only gripe with watching this song is that the camera work focuses on Madonna too much! I want to see more of the boys demonstrating their amazing feats of physical movement! ♥
But I suppose it is Madonna's show, thus I should not complain with the amount of footage the dancers do end up getting (which is really quite a bit). I just want to see everything, instead of parts! Granted, after this piece there is a wonderful bit of time devoted to some of the dancers (starting with DC) in which they dance out their own confessions. I'm really glad those pieces were put in the tour. Gives the dancers a moment to really stand out and shine on their own.

Who doesn't love a good rollerskating disco session? Watching this one also kills me, just for the sheer amount of dorkiness the dancers are able to display! The outfits are every bit as outrageous as the personalities and choreography, and everything is a total treat for the senses. Definitely one of the highlights!
I could go on with my love for this show, but I'll end it here. Needless to say that not only am I in love with this show, but some of my muses are as well. In fact my main muse has even shoved himself into the show, taking over DC's role (as he of course would, seeing that DC is my favourite dancer!) and while I walk to work in the morning, I listen to the music and I envision him in my head doing the moves, and we're all a happy bunch in my brain.
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